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Launch Options

Launch options allow you to set lower level settings in the overlay at launch. These can be added to a Blish HUD shortcut or when launched from a console.


-g, --startgw2 <1 or 2>

Default: 0

Allows you to launch Guild Wars 2 along with Blish HUD.

  • 0 does nothing
  • 1 will start Guild Wars 2
  • 2 will start Guild Wars 2 with the autologin flag

-p, --process <Gw2-64>

Default: Gw2-64

The name of the process the overlay will be waiting for (without .exe). This parameter is used in conjunction with -w, --window.

-P, --pid <pid>

The PID of the process the overlay will be waiting for to overlay. Has a higher priority than -p, --process but a lower priority than -m, --mumble.

-w, --window <ArenaNet_Dx_Window_Class>

Default: ArenaNet_Dx_Window_Class

The name of the window Blish HUD should overlay. This parameter is used in conjunction with -p, --process.

-s, --settings <path\to\settings\dir>

Default: %userprofile%\Documents\Guild Wars 2\addons\blishhud

The directory where Blish HUD should load and save settings and other persistent data from/to.

-a, --progdata <path\to\programdata>

Introduced in Blish HUD v1.1.2

Default: %programdata%\Blish HUD\

The path where Blish HUD will save non-user data such as cached textures.

-r, --ref <path\to\ref.dat>

Default: .\ref.dat

The path to the ref.dat file which primarily contains texture and audio assets for Blish HUD.

Default: MumbleLink

The name of the Mumble Link target that Blish HUD should be reading from (if you are using the -mumble parameter with Guild Wars 2).

-f, --maxfps <60>

Default: 60

Allows you to set the max target FPS (mutually exclusive with --unlockfps).

-d, --debug

Default: false

When enabled:

  • Shows FPS and other timings in the top-right corner.
  • Module exceptions are rethrown (where they would otherwise be handled) to enable debugging Modules easier.
  • Sets the minimum output log level to DEBUG.

-M, --module <path\to\module.bhm>

Expects the path to a Blish HUD module file (.bhm) OR the path to a directory which contains an unpacked module. When specified, Blish HUD will load this module and attempt to enable it when launched. Useful when developing modules.

If using a directory, be sure that your path does not end in \ otherwise the closing double quote will be escaped.


Overlay a different application (esp. for testing)

Identify the process name and window name. Window Spy (a utility that comes with AutoHotKey) does a good job of acquiring the required info.

".\Blish HUD.exe" --process powershell --window ConsoleWindowClass will have Blish HUD overlay a PowerShell window.

Save application settings in the current directory

".\Blish HUD.exe" --settings .\

Debugging a module

Packed module

".\Blish HUD.exe" --module "C:\Source\MyNewModule\bin\Debug\MyNewModule.bhm" --debug

Unpacked module

".\Blish HUD.exe" --module "C:\Source\MyNewModule\bin\Debug" --debug